Location: Singapore

soccer maniac,blackburn rovers fan,guitarist,shy,irritating

Friday, January 28, 2005

MJFC training

Today, at 4.30 pm..MJFC were having a training session...just to get prepare for the big match held this saturday...we are going to have a friendly match with our seniors...the match every MJFC players waiting for...all plans were put on hold or cancel..haha...serios abis..nonthing special happens during training except i was hit on the head..thanx to non other than Iskandar Ali (thanx alot ah isk..haha)...he has done that twice and im waiting for my revenge....after the training session we chill for a while before heading towards Marsilling jetty....reach there around 8.20 pm....there were not much ppl ard and so we take this opportunity to make so much has been a while since i can make tt so much noise without any resident complaining (dont complain ah)..haha...we played passing and 'OLE' in the middle of the road!!everytime a car comming we would give way and when it pass us..we would shout like monkeys and start kicking the ball back...twice the ball eventually goes under the fence and into the sea..luckily it was low tide or the ball wouls have sail away...on both occassion..Faizal and Fadli went down to retrieve the ball....while they were retrieving the ball...the rest of us cheer them on using the lions goes something like this..(u guyz figure it out..u should now if u want local soccer..).." Oooo....OOOOO....Faizal boleh....Fazlie boleh...[wan n iskandar: heran tk heran ah]"..hahaha...the wan and iskandar part extra sial..hahaha...the cheer keeps going on until they both have safely return up...because of all this shouting and cheering...i have a sore throat now...then on the way return home..we sing loudly and play stupid games...haha...this is the best night i had this week...haha...i guess i better sign out now...well...till then...byezzzxxx


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