sweet revenge..

finally..the guilty feeling is finally over...we won 7-2 yesterday and it feels great...rarelt before a game i was so nervous...it was the same feeling when i took my o-level result..and i hate those feeling...im afraid that i will miss this opportunity to make ammends after what i did the last time againt this very same team..but luckily for me..things went my way...the scoreline doesnt reflects much abt me..i played OK...theres still PLENTY of room for improvements...it will be much better if i had scored one...but im more than satisfied for the win...after the game...almost all of us(ard 12??)went to esplanade for the baybeats...and the best part is...we travelled all the way from YISS to esplanade just to stay there for 15 mins!!!cool huh??thats wat i like abt marceles...wakakaka...must d0 it more often..worth every cents of the transportation fee...eventhough i was there for only 15 mins...i still managed to meet quite a number of my friends...which is great...thats abt it..outzzz

at esplanade
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